Category: Marketing

Online Reputation Management: A Critical Issue

Today, in this digital epoch, online reputation has a proportional hand in consumer trust, brand perception, and the bottom line of any business. This paper covers what ORM means using the example of ReelShort reviews, Commense reviews, and Telemedia Holdings reviews. Making the Website More Personable and Access ORM is therefore very critical in building

The pros and cons of inbound marketing

Inbound marketing refers to aligning all marketing efforts to a customer’s interest and needs. You get the customer to come to you and your content, rather than trying to sell them on an idea. It is a product of the internet era and is a relatively new marketing concept. Its rise in popularity is thanks

Link building research and analysis

An effective link building campaign has proper research and analysis as a foundation. Here is a four-step outline for link research and analysis: Locate opportunities To maximize the impact of your link building campaign, you will need to look at the opportunities in your niche. Use keyword research to locate potential ranking for terms that

Tips to Improve Your Landing Page Conversion Rate

Article by Pierre Zarokian of Submit Express. When it comes to running an online business, your landing page plays a vital role in your success and profitability. According to digital agencies, inability to set your landing page up properly will hurt your business in more ways than you know. On the other hand, following the proper

The simplest method of using inbound marketing

Inbound marketing is currently the most effective method of marketing in the digital age. The old methods of outbound marketing involved buying the exposure, which leads to product sales. Missing from that calculus was product and brand loyalty. With inbound marketing, content is the draw. Since the content is hosted internally (usually on a blog)

Developing an audience strategy

Remarketing is a powerful tool that has seen a resurgence this year as both Google and Bing introduce new tools to target visitors that came close to purchase, only to change their minds. Companies now target these users, and while this is an effective way to increase sales, it does not take advantage of the