Category: SEO

The pros and cons of inbound marketing

Inbound marketing refers to aligning all marketing efforts to a customer’s interest and needs. You get the customer to come to you and your content, rather than trying to sell them on an idea. It is a product of the internet era and is a relatively new marketing concept. Its rise in popularity is thanks

The Evolution of SEO

Article Written by Pierre Zarokian. Search Engine Optimization, more popularly known as SEO is the backend work that goes into helping the ranking of your website or pages in the search engines. SEO used to be a pretty basic set of operation that has now developed into a more complex and nuanced discipline. Lets look

WordPress SEO Tips

Article by Web Design Express. Search engine marketing in California goes beyond simply having a WordPress-fueled site and picking and choosing keywords and phrases. Once you optimize your content for search engines, the next step is to do the same with your WordPress pages. Cut the Clutter WordPress comes with some defaults that are fine

Why local businesses need to focus on SEO

Article provided by RepEngage. Local businesses do not always consider investing in web marketing tools in the same way as online businesses do. This is detrimental for their businesses as they should be making the most of technology in their marketing strategy. A recent report from Google has shown the rising importance of mobile technologies

How to establish your presence online

By now you probably have a website for your company. A lot of work has gone into fine tuning the content and on page SEO and now you need to address the other big requirement of being online: Social Media. The first step is to get on the three main social networks. That would be

Dealing with the management as an SEO professional

Understanding and getting results with both SEO and SEM is difficult enough, but as most consultants know, dealing with the management is just as important. Here is what to expect and how to approach the management of your clients: Roles – The first and most important aspect is to know who you will be dealing

How AI can improve SEO performance

There is a lot of hype about AI, and specifically Machine Learning, in the news today. A lot of that news is good, and the benefits everyone talks about applies to all fields, even SEO. Machine Learning is all about taking quantities of data that a person could not possibly comprehend and processing it quickly.

Step-by-step system for getting rankings in Google

Every webmaster or blogger should have a system in place for content creation and ranking those pages in Google. There is evidence that sites that update more frequently has a fresh content association with their site. Here is a three-step process that any webmaster can use to getting content out there and ranking well. Step