Online Reputation Management: A Critical Issue

Today, in this digital epoch, online reputation has a proportional hand in consumer trust, brand perception, and the bottom line of any business. This paper covers what ORM means using the example of ReelShort reviews, Commense reviews, and Telemedia Holdings reviews.

Making the Website More Personable and Access

ORM is therefore very critical in building trust and confidence in customers. ReelShort is a company that streams videos. To be able to attract and retain users, the company depends on the reviews of customers, so when negative reviews that damage the trust of the customers come about, then customers are driven away. This emphasizes the need for a good online reputation.

Protecting the Brand Reputation

For e-commerce companies such as Commense, brand reputation is the only differentiator and trust element for a customer. Unfortunately, negative press and reviews have clouded the reputation of Commense. This case makes it very necessary to do ORM in a proactive way to keep the brand’s reputation intact and keep customers’ trust.

Impact on Financial Performance

Especially for a small business, negative online reviews can directly affect profit. For example, the company Telemedia Holdings, a telecommunication company, was accused of fraud because of actions related to its gameshow “Gametime.” However, in this case, the negative online reviews did not affect the company much, considering that it was a big company and such reviews would affect a small business much more.


Proactive reputation management looks at the development of a positive online or corporate reputation. This includes speaking to the customers directly, addressing their concerns, and showing the positive aspects of the business. Businesses that invest in ORM gain a rise in credibility and trust, safeguarding brand reputation, and a reduction in financial impact from negative reviews. The stories of ReelShort, Commense, and Telemedia Holdings highlight the need for ORM in the modern-day business world.