Author: admin

Google changing search location methodology

Google is changing the way it handles location-specific search. The changes will affect mobile search, the Google app for iOS, desktop search, and Google Maps. Previously, when you search, your results are shown on a top-level domain that is your country code. Going forward, all search will revert to the location of the device. For

Developing an audience strategy

Remarketing is a powerful tool that has seen a resurgence this year as both Google and Bing introduce new tools to target visitors that came close to purchase, only to change their minds. Companies now target these users, and while this is an effective way to increase sales, it does not take advantage of the

The Google Feed

Google I/O 2012 saw the introduction of Google Now, a contextual service that provides relevant information based on content, location, and other data from Google properties proactively. Google Now included a voice-assistant that was the primary competitor to Siri at the time. Google even described the service as the future of search. Fast forward to

Important SEO foundations

There is supposedly more than 200 signals part of the Google algorithm. It would require a lot of time and money to ensure compliance will all the known signals. The most productive and practical approach would be to look at the most critical elements. There are two types of critical SEO tasks. The first is

Step-by-step system for getting rankings in Google

Every webmaster or blogger should have a system in place for content creation and ranking those pages in Google. There is evidence that sites that update more frequently has a fresh content association with their site. Here is a three-step process that any webmaster can use to getting content out there and ranking well. Step