Google knows it has a problem. The quality of their search results was never an issue until the recent fake news epidemic. Before, Google’s algorithm used the popularity of pages to determine both its value and its relevance. However, with such a massive fake news movement, incorrect and sometimes offensive content was surfacing as truth.
There is supposedly more than 200 signals part of the Google algorithm. It would require a lot of time and money to ensure compliance will all the known signals. The most productive and practical approach would be to look at the most critical elements. There are two types of critical SEO tasks. The first is
Article by Pierre Zarokian. One of the biggest mistakes most bloggers make is that they write great content and expect to get traffic without promotion. Unless the blog already has a significant following, backlinks and social shares need to be earned. One of the best methods of getting these links and shares is using blogger
Summary: Creating a Wikipedia page for your brand or business can bring a substantial amount of traffic as well as other perks. A Wikipedia page can bring an immense amount of publicity to your company, small business, or even yourself (if you just so happen to make a name for yourself). One of the many
Every webmaster or blogger should have a system in place for content creation and ranking those pages in Google. There is evidence that sites that update more frequently has a fresh content association with their site. Here is a three-step process that any webmaster can use to getting content out there and ranking well. Step
When e-commerce sales are broken down by sources, the sales generated by referral traffic and recommendations are third largest behind direct traffic and search engine traffic. That is more sales than from traffic referred from social media. What makes this traffic so valuable? The problem with shopping online is the sheer number of options available.
Sean Garrity of DealCrunch recently sat with Pierre Zarokian, the CEO of Submit Express, to discuss new techniques for reputation management and online marketing. 2016 saw Google bringing even more updates to its robust ranking algorithm, and small businesses should stay up to date with this knowledge if they hope to succeed. Who is Submit
One of the best ways to improve as a writer is to have an editor who can go through your articles and make corrections accordingly. There are automated online services that do this, but none of them are partially effective. For those who don’t have access to an editor or find it too costly, here
As a webmaster, you might have heard of two of the most important parts of the core Google algorithm: Penguin and Panda. Penguin looks at the quality of incoming links. Panda, on the other hand, takes the opposite tack and looks for low-quality content on the site. Panda was initially introduced to deal with the
There are a lot of good free tools available online to help with SEO and online marketing tasks. Unfortunately finding them is not easy. There are thousands of useless shareware/paid tools, ebooks etc. Here are the best free tools we found: Google Webmaster Tools – This is a must have for any webmaster or website